following rule will create a Request object (workflow) to run in future.

 import java.util.*;

 import java.lang.*;

 import java.text.*;




 import sailpoint.api.*;

 import sailpoint.object.*;

 import sailpoint.workflow.*;

 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 import org.apache.log4j.Level;

 import sailpoint.object.Workflow;

 import sailpoint.object.Identity;

 import sailpoint.object.RequestDefinition;

 import java.util.HashMap;

 import sailpoint.object.Attributes;

 import sailpoint.workflow.StandardWorkflowHandler;


String workflowName = "yaniv post joiner workflow"; // name of the workflow to run (business proccess)

String identityName = "Alan.Bradley"; 

String argumentVal  = "CN=john.doe,DC=corp,DC=acme,DC=com"; // example of argument pass to workflow, create any workflow variabled you need and pass them in the wfArgs 

String caseName     = "Run '" + workflowName + "' for: " + identityName; // give it a good name, see below picture

String requesterId  = "Alan.Bradley"; // the event will be shown on Events tab on the identity who is set here

Workflow eventWorkflow = context.getObject(Workflow.class, workflowName);

  // check workflow name exists 

if (null == eventWorkflow) {

   log.error("Could not find a workflow named: " + workflowName);

   throw new GeneralException("Invalid worklfow: " + workflowName);


// Simulate the request being submitted by a user. Default: spadmin. - set requestor details

Identity id = context.getObjectByName(Identity.class, requesterId);

if (null == id) {

   log.error("Could not find a requester Identity: " + requesterId);

   throw new GeneralException("Invalid identity: " + requesterId);


// Ask the Request Processor to start the workflow 5 seconds from now.

// Append the time stamp to the workflow case name to ensure it's unique.

long launchTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000;

caseName = caseName + "(" + launchTime + ")";

// Build out a map of arguments to pass to the Request Scheduler.

Attributes reqArgs = new Attributes();




reqArgs.put( "requestName", caseName );          

// Build a map of arguments to pass to the Workflow case when it launches.

Attributes wfArgs = new Attributes();


wfArgs.put("exampleArgument", argumentVal);



// Use the Request Launcher to schedule the workflow reqeust.  This requires

// a Request object to store the properties of the request item.

Request req = new Request();

RequestDefinition reqdef = context.getObject(RequestDefinition.class, "Workflow Request");


req.setEventDate( new Date( launchTime ) );



req.setAttributes( reqdef, reqArgs );

// Schedule the work flow via the request manager.

RequestManager.addRequest(context, req);

the event is goind to be visible in the Events tab of the identity - suggest to use summary to present what is the event doing