following article describe how to setup your own station connecting to Git, creating a Build and deploy on a server IIQ.
- Git & VS setup – connect to GIT and import project to you local machine (workstation)
yanivr@ibwonev01 MINGW64 /c/users/yanivr/Documents/vscodews/IIQ
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/yanivr/Documents/vscodews/IIQ/.git/
yanivr@ibwonev01 MINGW64 /c/users/yanivr/Documents/vscodews/IIQ (master)
$ git remote add origin
yanivr@ibwonev01 MINGW64 /c/users/yanivr/Documents/vscodews/IIQ (master)
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
yanivr@ibwonev01 MINGW64 /c/users/yanivr/Documents/vscodews/IIQ (master)
$ git pull
fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
yanivr@ibwonev01 MINGW64 /c/users/yanivr/Documents/vscodews/IIQ (master)
$ git config --global http.sslVerify false
yanivr@ibwonev01 MINGW64 /c/users/yanivr/Documents/vscodews/IIQ (master)
$ git pull
warning: ----------------- SECURITY WARNING ----------------
warning: | TLS certificate verification has been disabled! |
warning: ---------------------------------------------------
warning: HTTPS connections may not be secure. See for more information.
warning: ----------------- SECURITY WARNING ----------------
warning: | TLS certificate verification has been disabled! |
warning: ---------------------------------------------------
warning: HTTPS connections may not be secure. See for more information.
warning: ----------------- SECURITY WARNING ----------------
warning: | TLS certificate verification has been disabled! |
warning: ---------------------------------------------------
warning: HTTPS connections may not be secure. See for more information.
- build process
make sure your desktop has following environment details
the output is a package of IIQ application folder with the customzied objects for your projects such as Apps, Rules, Workflows etc.
- Make sure and are ready and updated correctly
xxx= target environment, (dev,test,prod) - Update – to Dev/TEST/PROD - define which environment you wish to create a build
- Run build.bat (from the folder in your workspace)
2. Deploy on an IIQ server - Copy the war file to server (copy from …\build\deploy)
- Shutdown tomcat on server (if cluster shut all down)
- Move iiq to folder Archive outside WEBAPPS
- Extract war file (tar xvf identity.war / jar -xfv identity.war) to WEBAPPS as iiq folder
- iiq console -c import "sp.init-custom.xml” (full path) or you can enter console and run import sp.init-custom.xml
– in case of cluster this will be run only on one server. The rest are only copy of new deployed IIQ folder - check that there is no errors using iiq console
- exit
- Start tomcat